Tuesday 27 October 2009

Successes and failures

Well, The Cumberland News didn't print my letter. Oh well.

However, we climbed Schiehallion yesterday - photos next week when I've got broadband again. There's a large plaque at the bottom commemorating Nevill Maskelyne's gravity experiment in 1774. I've collected some rocks so we can check the mass of the mountain by a density and map method in the lab. The cloud clearer when we were on the summit and we could see half of Scotland.

The nearest village has one of the oldest trees in Europe and claims to be the birthplace of Pontius Pilate. How weird.

The musical stones in church last Thursday were entertaining. They have been made up into a xylophone and were nowhere near as big as I'd expected. I've seen photos of Sigur Ros playing a much bigger stone xylophone. Still, I now want to know why you can get a note out of the metamorphosed hornfels but not the original slate country rock.