You can work out how much it costs to run a piece of equipment by looking at the label and finding its power in Watts.
For each of these pictures:
a. Find the power in Watts and turn it into kilowatts (kW)
b. Multiply the kilowatts x the hours it is on (kW x hours gives you kWh)
c. Let's say 1 Unit of electricity (1 kWh) costs 12p. Take your kWh from part b and multiply by 12 to give you the cost in PENCE (not pounds!)
Do a, b and c for all of these examples:
1. Electric heater left on for 3 hours.
2. Old fashioned "stereo" left on for 4 hours.
3. Hairdryer left on for 1 hour (not mine!!)
4. Kettle used for half an hour.
5. Microwave used for 1 hour.
6. Bread maker used for 5 hours.
7. Iron used for 2 hours.