Friday 17 July 2015

Preparing for L6 Physics #7: Three quarks for Muster Mark

Finnegan's wake is reputed to be the most difficult book in English Literature (though James Joyce was Irish). I once got through 200 pages and counted detect a shred of plot. It's beautiful and poetic, with made up spellings to help evoke Irish accents. Murray Gell-Mann is a brilliant American physicist. He made an important deduction that protons and neutrons are not singular, fundamental particles but are in fact each made of 3 smaller particles inside. He'd been reading Finnegan's Wake (go figure!) and had found a quotation "Three quarks for Muster Mark". It chimed with his idea of 3 particles so he called them QUARKS. At least, that's the legend. Particles made from quarks are called HADRONS. Particles made from 3 quarks are called BARYONS (eg protons and neutrons) but there are also particles made from quark and anti-quark pairs. They are called MESONS.