Sunday 18 December 2016

Physik im Advent: ice cube problem

I finally found out that they are doing Physik im Advent this year. Here it is You can change it to English in the top left hand corner. A bit of a spoiler, but I had to try today's, day 18. Place a match stick onto an ice cube and pour salt over it. After a couple of minutes I was able to pick one of the ice cubes up. The match stick had stuck to it. It's likely that the trick depends on the ice cubes being below and not at 0 Celsius. Adding salt means that it will turn from solid to liquid at say -2oC. But if the salt does not reach the ice under the match it will stay solid at that temperature. As the ice turns to water, the temperature remains constant, presumably at -2oC. This would refreeze any surface melt below the match and stick it to the ice cube.