Tuesday 7 December 2021

Yarn bombing in Wigton and fractal dimension


This wonderful piece of yarn bombing has appeared on top of the post box opposite Spar at the top of Station Road. It got me thinking about fractal geometry. The simplest example to look at is the Koch Snowflake. It is a line so it should have a dimension of 1. However by adding wiggles to the line, we are extending it a bit into space. They say not enough to be considered a plane which is a 2-Dimensional object, so the Koch Snowflake must have a dimension somewhere between a line and a plane, somewhere between 1D and 2D. In other words, it has a fractional dimension - this is where we get the term "fractal" from. The yarn bombing extends a 2D surface upwards into 3D space. Presumably its fractal dimension might be somewhere between 2 and 3.