Thursday 3 November 2022

How tall is Caldbeck Transmitter?


We had an interesting walk up to Caldbeck Transmitter. My little finger held out like that subtends1 degree of my vision. That means the mast subtends 8 degrees. I was stood 1500 metres away. By trigonometry, tan(8) = height/1500 so the height of the transmitter is 210 metres. It is actually 337 metres high. Now the first few tens of metres are out of sight over the horizon - you can't see the terminal buildings. But that's now very accurate if I should be expecting say 300 metres. That would need an angle of 11 degrees and there's no way I can get that out of it. If my little finger were worth 3/4 of a degree, it would work. However, the usual problem would be that my finger was not far enough away - that would make the angle bigger not smaller. Perhaps more of the mast was hidden than I'm estimating.