Saturday 16 November 2013

Finding fault near the Priest's Hole

We climbed up to the Priest's Hole, a rock shelter high on Dove Crag. Some people sleep there and it even has its own log book to record your visit.
Caves in the Lake District cannot be like those in limestone areas that are due to acidic water wearing the rock away. This is because the rocks are volcanic. I suspect this enlarged overhang is probably the result of ancient earth movements - ie a fault. The cave is situated near the top of the crag just left of centre in the picture below. If you enlarge it you can probably make out a diagonal grass shelf sloping from left to right. This is evidence of a fault.

We found this amazing boulder nearby. The ash layers in the tuff are clearly visible.

Look at the small scale fault in the rock. It has only slipped a few centimetres.