Saturday 30 November 2013

The end of the Moon

Never mind Comet Ison, the Moon has almost gone! Well, for this month at least. The Moon has nearly finished its monthly journey around the Earth. This picture was taken at 8am looking almost due South. In other words, it is highest in the sky at perhaps 9am. If it takes 27 days to go round the Earth, this high point in the South must be about an hour later every day. That means in 3 days time the Moon will be due South at around midday. It will be on the same side of the Earth as the Sun. The Sun will be lighting up the side that we can't see and the side facing us will be in shadow. In other words, in a couple of days we won't be able to see the Moon at all. Then after that there will be a faint sliver of a crescent on the right hand side this time - a New Moon. If the sky is clear I'll try to photograph it!