Thursday 26 August 2010

A trip to the south

We went on a tour of the south last week. It involved passing through the Watford Gap services on the M1. These have huge cultural siginificance because they are said to be the place where the south starts. They are actually nowhere near Watford, being just north of Northampton. The north/south thing is a bit odd here in Wigton, where almost everywhere in England is south of us.

We were struck by the amount of traffic and general busy-ness in the south. There is a constant hum of traffic noise in many places. These photos were taken at 11am on a Monday morning. Look at the difference in the people heading north (towards us in the second photo) and south. I stood on the bridge and counted 40 cars going north in 1 minute. That's probably about 3000 people an hour moving at what is not a particularly busy time in that direction...