Wednesday 19 September 2012

Magnetic nail polish

Perhaps this could be sub-titled "An old man makes a fool of himself"??  My Physics teachers's email network alerted me to magnetic nail polish. You apply it and whilst it is wet you hold the cap of the bottle over your finger nail. The cap contains a patterned magnet which pulls iron filings (one person suggested cobalt, which is also magnetic) into the pattern of the magnets.  I had a great time swanning around with it on at school...

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Two things Lower Sixth students should consider

You should consider becoming a 16-19 member of the Institute of Physics.  It's free.

Follow this link:

I've explained about the Headstart programme of university taster courses that one of last year's students went on.  They are mainly Engineering and the Physical Sciences, but might help you to decide about a more vocationally based course for a subject that you haven't studied in school.

These courses cost, as far as I can see.

Saturday 8 September 2012

Those Horizon programmes

BBC2 has shown two brilliant Horizon documentaries on the Physics of the entire Universe and the Physics of the really small.

Hopefully these will still be valid for the next week or two.  Watch them!