Saturday 23 November 2013

Measuring the flow in Wigton

They put a depth measurement scale into the Wiza by the factory in the summer.
This followed the disastrous flood one Saturday afternoon in May. Here's what Station Road looked like. And, yes, that is someone canoeing down the road.


The study of fluid flow has its place in Physics. I hope someone will be able to find a solution. Perhaps data from the new pole will help.

The issue is flow rate. This means how fast the volume of water is shifted so it will be measured in cubic metres per second. At this point in Wigton, the Wiza is constrained in a narrow but deep channel. Water cannot be compressed into a smaller volume. In a liquid, the atoms are basically touching each other. If the new shape of the channel doesn't have a big enough volume for the water pouring into it there will be flooding. One way round the problem is to get the water flowing faster, or to pour the water in slower at the start. The other problem is that the water has a tight corner to turn at the factory so momentum will tend to make it carry straight on and out onto the road by the fire station.