Tuesday 6 January 2015

Haweswater up and Hayeswater down

We found ourselves back at Haweswater. I recorded the retreat of the waters during the dry spell. http://www.wigtonphysics.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/will-mardale-appear-from-haweswater.html and http://www.wigtonphysics.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/return-to-haweswater-and-mardale-whats.html . I calculated that it would need about 1.5 metres of rainfall over the catchment to refill it. It has rained a lot recently and the reservoir is full again.
We went past Hayeswater when we went up High Street on Boxing Day. They have done as they proposed and removed the dam. The water level has dropped by about 2 metres.

The lake is about 1km long by 0.25km wide. That means that 500 000 cubic metres of water have been lost. My house uses 0.2 cubic metres a day. That volume of water would supply several thousand houses for a year.