Tuesday 30 September 2014

BBC TV programme about our plutonium stockpile

Somewhere in the hazy distance at the back of this photograph, there is apparently a store of 100 tonnes of plutonium. A lot of people round here think that Sellafield is a nuclear power station. That's not true. It deals with the nuclear waste from nuclear power stations elsewhere in the UK, making the waste safe and storing it. One by-product of nuclear fission is plutonium. It is not only highly radioactive but also very poisonous. It can be used as a nuclear fuel but this is difficult. At the moment the suggestion is that it is mixed with uranium to make MOX - mixed oxide fuel. This is not as easy as you might think. There was a BBC TV programme on last night about it. You have 6 days to watch it on the iplayer You only want the first 10 minutes of the programme http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b04hv65x/inside-out-north-east-and-cumbria-29092014