Friday 16 October 2015

Quarks: chocolate muffins, Finnegan's Wake and Aspatria

Mrs B found a recipe for chocolate muffins. It came from the Lake District Creamery at Aspatria, just down the road. This sort of quark is a "fresh acid-set cheese" used a lot in Central Europe. In Physics, a quark is a sub-atomic particle that makes up HADRONS, the particles that feel the strong force. A proton and a neutron are each made up of 3 quarks. Apparently the name comes from the book Finnegan's Wake by James Joyce. This is allegedly the hardest book in the English language to read. Murray Gell-Mann, who came up with the theory, is said to have noticed a line in the book: "Three quarks for Muster Mark" when beer was being ordered at the bar. Three quarks were in the protons and hence the name. It's a wonderful story. I tried reading the book. I knew the plot outline but 200 pages in and I hadn't discovered a shred of the story! It's poetic and sounds nice if you read it out loud. And the chocolate muffins tasted amazing!