Tuesday 8 December 2020

Glencoyne hydro-electric


We found this sign as we walked up to Seldom Seen.

Here's the view over the houses at Seldom Seen. Glencoyne is the perfect location for hydro-electric because of the very high level of the hanging valley.
In fact there was a dam up here in lead mining days. The new water intake is just visible in the mid-right of the picture.
There was a building at the end of the new track at the lower level which could be the generator shed. We didn't go down.
400000kWh per year for 120 houses is 3300kWh per house. This is 380 Watts averaged across the year for a house. Not too big. It means generating at nearly 50kW on average. Checking here it turns out th.at the max power generation is 100kW.